Thursday, July 19, 2012

Will Power

A dear friend sent me a text message with a really great question. I won't name any names, but I'm sure other people struggle with the same issue. She was telling me that she is working on living healthier, and her eating habits have improved greatly. She was able to make the sacrifice as far as food goes, but she has a difficult time finding the motivation to exercise. She told me that she doesn't posses the will power to get up and go to the gym.
It really got me to thinkin' about what "will power" really entails. I know a boat load of people that have incredible determination. Nothing stands in the way of their success, and there is no obstacle that they can't overcome. To be honest with you, those people make me sick, but I envy them nonetheless. It's easy to say that they're lucky, or they're from a supportive family and were provided with many opportunities. But when you get right down to it, will power is not genetic. It's not something that you're born with. Will power is 100% learned. It's a game of mind of matter.
My advice to her was this:
Start small! It would be completely unrealistic to incorporate two hours of exercise everyday into your schedule. Make minor changes like walking to class or around town instead of driving. Bike once a week for an hour.If you already go to the gym once or twice a week, try adding another day to your schedule. It'll take some time to adjust to a new routine, but once you have adjusted to your new exercise schedule, you can increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts. As I've said before, it's never going to feel completely normal. Sweating and being out of breath are never going to feel comfortable. The overall reward, though, is tremendous.
Another helpful hint:
Don't weigh yourself weekly and cry yourself to sleep because you've only lost a pound. Focus on how far you've come and the incredible changes you're making. Keep the end in mind! It takes a great deal of patience to see progress when you are having to change every single aspect of your life. If you think about it, it took you how ever many years you've lived to put the weight on; It's not going to fall off overnight.

I appreciate your question, anonymous friend. Thank you for reading, and I hope you find the motivation you're looking for!  

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