Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ground Zero

I'm back, and I'm fat. I'm back to fat.

To update you on the happenings of my insanely insane life since August would take too much of your precious time. Just know that by the grace of God and with the help of a lot of fried food, I made it through my first semester of grad school with a 4.0 GPA.

Since my last post, I began my new job at CES. My new babies are the most incredible people I've ever know. Everyday I have the privilege of being their teacher and loving them for 8 solid hours. There are no words to describe how much I appreciate my job and the children I work with.  They are my most prized possession, my most cherished gift.

So, like I said, I'm back. As much as I'd love to tell you how good I've been about sticking to my healthy meals and strict exercise regiments, I cannot bring myself to lie. I have completely fallen off the bandwagon. It really started in November. I registered for a 9.6 mile trail run because I felt like I wasn't challenging myself enough. Instead of preparing for my run by fueling my body with healthy foods and lots of water, I panicked and began stress eating, which I am so awesome at doing.
The day of the race was cold, windy, and rainy. I had been running my usual 5-7 miles to prepare, but I couldn't find the motivation I needed to squeeze those last 2 miles out before my race. I was praying adrenaline would take over and give my that final boost to the finish line. WRONG.
The first 2.5 miles were rainy but across relatively flat terrain. I thought to myself that I could totally bust out this trail run, regardless of my lack of preparation leading up to it. Just before the third mile, I came across the hill of all hills. It was like a giant hill that consisted of rows of mini hills that zig-zagged to the top, and it was by far the most intimidating thing I've ever seen. I looked up and saw the experienced trail runners trucking along without hesitation. I told myself I would do what I could. I think I ran up the first three mini hills. My quads burned like the flames of hell and I started to feel the oatmeal I had eaten prior to the race creeping up my throat.
I was able to run the last hill that led to the most beautiful scenic overlook I've ever seen. I wanted to stop and admire the scenery and forget about all of the running nonsense, but I had to keep on keepin' on. My goal was to complete the race in under two hours. After the hell hills, it was was 3-4 miles of downhill running. I wish all running was downhill. Don't get me wrong, running downhill on a mountain with loose rocks and uneven terrain is terrifying, but it's such a rush because you can really let your body take over. I rolled my ankles at least 30 times.
The mile 7 was my mile. It was through the most beautiful wooded area, and the ground was relatively flat. I felt like Katniss Everdeen, for all you Hunger Gamers. It was probably the only leg of the race that I truly enjoyed because miles 8 until the end were a steady uphill climb that ended with my gagging across the finish line with a time of 1 hour and 57 minutes. Blakely and Nanci were cheering me on as a crept up the last hill. By the end, I was physically ill and pissed off at the world. I have never experienced such agony, and it infuriated my to know that I had paid money to put myself through such torture. My legs cramped, my stomach turned, and my arms and face were wind burned. For the next four hours I choked back vomit and soaked my aching body in the hottest bath ever taken. Even though it was the most grueling thing I've ever done, I can't say I walked away empty handed. I finished second in my age group, and I learned A LOT about myself and running in general.

Things I learned from my trail run:
1. Trail running and running are two totally different forms of physical activity. It requires much more strength to run trails than it does to run on a flat surface, and unfortunately, I learned it the hard way.
2. Adrenaline is not always reliable.
3. Running cannot be the only form of exercise you do. I have been really bad about relying on running for my only means of physical activity. Trail running works your arms, back, abs, and legs, so targeting those prior to my race would have probably helped a lot.

My next race is in February, and it's my biggest run yet... a HALF MARATHON! 13.1 miles through the dangerous streets of Birmingham. I feel completely unprepared and oh so terrified that I won't make it. I have to get myself back on track. The mere thought of the race sends chills down my spine and makes me want to scoop Nutella by the spoonful savagely into my mouth.
I'm trying so desperately to find self-control and willpower again. No more stress eating, no more excuses. The holidays are officially over and I am more than ready to rededicated myself to healthy living. If you are looking for a starting point, let's do it together. I feel like I am back at ground zero. It's going to be a long, ugly fight back to the top, but I know what I'm capable of. I have pushed myself far beyond anything I ever thought possible, so this I'm turning this set back into a come back.

Remember this: The motivation you are looking for comes from within. No outside forces going to make the changes for you. It's not going to be easy, and it's never going to feel comfortable, but nothing is impossible.

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
-Thomas Edison

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Big girl panties

I feel my updates coming farther and farther apart. School is just around the corner, and I am up to my ears in supplies and paperwork. I'll do my best to update at least 3 times per week, but with graduate school and a full time job, I can't make any promises.

If every hour of my day isn't occupied, I'm not satisfied. I love staying busy; it keeps my mind focused on something other than food, which is surprisingly very rare. It's my goal to find a happy balance between my job, graduate school, my boyfriend, and my healthy habits. Those are a lot of things to juggle, so I suppose it's time to go shopping for an even bigger pair of big girl panties. Growing up is too difficult. Adult decisions and responsibility aren't as fun as I thought they'd be. Sometimes I daydream about not caring about anything. I think how nice it'd be to eat what I want and lay on the couch, watching trashy reality t.v. when I should be preparing for the week ahead. Then reality slaps me across the face in the form of screaming children, piles of paperwork, and miles of pavement. I just have to keep telling myself that this is the life I chose. I'm really not complaining. I wouldn't trade it for the world. The school year hasn't even begun and I can already feel myself slipping into a less healthy/more convenient routine. Last year wasn't so bad. I was able to get into a solid workout schedule where I'd hit the gym right after school and make it home with enough time to cook dinner, talk to Blakely for a bit, and then it'd already be time for bed. It was a nice schedule for me, but I was devoting too much time to all the wrong things. My job became my life and the gym was my best friend. I'm making it a point to make more time for the important things.

Since my soon-to-be schedule is so outrageous, I am going to have to rely on calorie counting to ensure that I'm not gorging on all the wrong things. Weekly meal planning will be strictly enforced in the Bridges/Duke household, and no eating will take place after 8. I've got to come up with some sort of schedule for everything I'm trying to balance. Time management is totally my thing, so I'm not worried... yet.

Confession time: I have been a total stick in the mud as far as running goes this past week. The heat and the humidity are always agonizing, but I really let it get to me this week. I felt like a quitter because every time we'd try to run, I would come up with some sorry excuse after 3 or 4 miles to stop. Maybe I'm a little burned out with running. We took two full days off from exercise in the attempt to make our bodies crave running, but I feel like it had the opposite effect on me. I could totally get used to a more slothful lifestyle. I read part of a book, got tons of stuff done for my classroom; it was fantastic. Although I enjoyed my break from exercise, it was time to get back into the swing of things this afternoon with an ass-kicking circuit routine. I think that in my next life, I want to be a personal trainer. Rachel and I met at the high school stadium for an hour of some seriously serious aerobic activity. I felt like Jillian Michaels. It was such a nice change of pace and I can really tell that I got something out of it! My clothes were sopping wet and my legs were shaking afterwards. Can't wait to do it again!

Regardless of the 191 miles I've run since school let out, I've not seen a lot of results on the scale this summer. I have been eating more because I have been burning so many calories during my runs and whatnot, but I really think that I've been mostly gaining muscle. My legs are rock hard. I'm so close to Tina Turner legs that I can taste it. Even though I've improved my distance and toned up a good bit this summer, I am 14 pounds shy of my overall goal weight. Too much time and sweat has been devoted to achieving this amazing task, so I can't stop now. Ideally, I'd like to have it off by the end of the year. Now that Blakely is willing to make more changes, I am really going to step it up in the kitchen. Meals are not the issue in my house. The problem is in the amount of snacks we eat. I tried to make apple chips tonight, but they turned out to be a serious Pinterest fail. They tasted like pure brown sugar and had the texture of bark.

Even though my apple chips were a serious disaster, I managed to stir up a few delicious and healthy meals this week. I am proud to announce that I have finally tried eggplant! I don't know why but I have always had an irrational fear of it's texture. I stopped by a local produce stand the other day because the peaches and watermelon were irresistible. He coaxed me into trying it, and it was outstanding!

I also tried this amazing crockpot recipe that consisted of several of my favorite ingredients. I don't know anything about calories, carbs, or fat in this recipe, but I didn't care. Watch your portions and you'll be fine.

Here is a really great article that give advice for what to do and what to avoid when taking a break from working out. I tried to stick to it during my two day hiatus. Maybe it will help you too!

Lastly, I will leave you with some words of wisdom. As always, shoot me a message if you have any questions or are looking for any advice! Good luck this week in your attempt to live the life you deserve! 

"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Drinking your calories

I've spent the last two days glued to a chair learning how to teach nonverbal children how to communicate through picture choices. I'll spare you all of the details since I'm sure there are very few of you that are actually interested, but it was a real eye-opener for me. It gave me tons of motivation and ideas for how I am going to manage my classroom next year. It also gave me hope for my friends (students- I call them friends) that I have that lack communication, which is essentially, the most important thing we can ever learn. Sixteen hours well spent if you ask me!

Sixteen hours in a classroom also meant sixteen hours of sitting, which is borderline torture for me. My legs became quite restless and I just couldn't get comfortable. Sitting for so long actually made me want to run. Usually, after a day full of work-related things, I am anxious to plop down on my couch and read a book or watch Law & Order until I fall asleep. Rachel and I ran Monday and Tuesday. Monday was an incredible run for me. I accidentally ran 6 miles again. It wasn't my intention to that long, but I though Rachel had been kidnapped, so I took an extra mile to try chase her down. Luckily, she was just following behind me, so there was really no emergency at all. She runs with a Sweeney Todd razor blade tucked into her arm band. I imagine a very dramatic fight that would involve me breaking into a show tune should anyone approach us in the wrong way. Tuesday was also a fantastic run! We have a new running buddy! I am so excited that the two teacher I will be working with at my new school are just as active as I am! It will really help with the whole accountability thing that I speak of so often. Kelley told us yesterday that she was a runner and could do 5 miles, and what do ya know?! So do we! We hit up the fort for a 5 miler, which soon turned into a very humid 3 miler, followed by a very wet 2 miles. I learned that rainy runs make for much quicker miles. I was at a pretty consistent 9 minute 25 second mile until the last two. I finished those in 8 minutes 40 seconds. You know what that tells me? I'm not running at my full potential. I could give a thousand excuses that would consist of me complaining about the heat and how I spend all day at work before I run, but I won't. I know that I am capable of a faster mile. Like my fear of distance, I also still fear being out of breath. It's comfortable for me to run at the pace that I do, so I cling to it. No more! My goal for the Color Run is to finish in 27 minutes. That would be at least a 9 minute mile throughout the race. 

I've been doing some research on what to eat before and after workouts. Obviously, I know not to eat a Wendy's number 5. I did it once when I was first trying to get in shape and I spewed all over the place during a step aerobics class. That was a good lesson for me to learn but also a dumb thing for me to do in the first place. I've also learned the hard way that Oreos are not a good pre-run snack. I got aboout 30 seconds in to my 5 miles and suffered agonizing stomach cramps the entire time. I've found a lot of information about the importance of WHEN you eat before you workout. This is something I never thought about. My research has shown me that eating at a certain amount of time prior to your workout will affect your energy level during your workout. Here is an awesome website that lays it out in an easy to read format. 

I have to brag on amazing boyfriend. Blakely and I have finally, after almost 5 years together, found a common goal that we are both incredibly serious about. We want to hike the Appalachian Trail. All 2,000+ gorgeous miles of it. We would have to do it on our summer breaks, but it is the first time I have seen him really passionate about something that involves any kind of physical activity. He is already research and planning for it. He realizes that he cannot just go on this incredibly rigorous adventure without preparing himself physically, so he is all of the sudden motivated to make changes in his life to prepare for it. His exact words were, "I'll do all of the planning if you will help me get in shape for it." Talk about music to my ears! 

I've said it in previous entries, Blakely despises working out. I think it's understandable. There are days when I'd exchange my finger nails for to opportunity to skip the gym. The first part of living a healthier lifestyle is CHANGING your lifestyle. It's hands down that hardest thing to do. Making the transition from a completely worry-free, eat what I want, when I want lifestyle to a calorie counting, water chugging life is a big change. You really have to analyze what you're eating and drinking as well as your activity level before you can even commit. Blakely eats relatively healthy because I am the one that cooks in our house. Blakely's problem, and I see it often in my friends and family, is that he drinks his calories. I'll bet that it never occurred to some of you that the majority of your calories are coming from what you are drinking everyday. I know that I never realized it until I read an entire article about Starbucks Frappuccinos. My favorite thing in the world when I was 18 was the brownie frappuccino from Starbucks. I probably drank 4 or 5 of them every week. Not only was that a lot of money wasted, but I was also drinking an additional 400 calories in one drink. That disgusted me. That's the amount of calories I eat for dinner! 
I started looking at all of my drinks and realizing that they loaded with calories and high amounts of sugar. That was when I really began to appreciate the simplicity and nutritional value of water. Any who, back to Blakely.
Blakely loves soda more than anything, maybe even more than me. Who can blame him? The fizzy goodness of an ice cold fountain drink is too tempting for words. He drinks mostly soda when he is at work because it is convenient for him. When he is home, we have juice, milk, and sometimes tea or green tea. We always have water, but he hates it. I could never get him to understand the benefits of drinking water on a regular basis. It's hard to believe someone that a drink can change the way you feel and, maybe it's just me, improve your mood. When I am hydrated, I feel happier because I know that I am making healthy choices. Maybe I'm just weird. He made the suggestion that we buy a case of water bottles the other night, so we went right out and picked them up. He is also taking my advice about drinking water at work. He says that the past few times he's worked, he has drank nothing but water until he gets ready to leave and allows himself a soda. This is huge. I don't think you understand what this means. Soda is Blakely's dirty mistress, and I've been trying to shake her for years! It's small changes like this that I know are going to lead to bigger and better changes. I am unbelievably proud that he is taking the first step toward joining me on the healthy side! 

I don't remember the exact article that I read years ago, but here is another good one that is really helpful for making proper drink choices. 

I found this on Pinterest a few months ago, and it shows several popular snack items and the amount of sugar in them. It also shows popular drink choices. Consider the amount of sugar in your drinks. It will really open your eyes to the importance of cutting back. 

For those of you that want to enjoy an adult beverage, Weight Watchers offers an amazing cheat sheet for choosing low calorie alcoholic drinks. I guess I should tell you to drink responsibly, for more than one reason! 

Don't hesitate to shoot me a facebook message if there is anything you'd like for me to talk about on here! If I don't know the answer to any of your questions, I will do whatever I can to find it!
Good luck this week in your pursuit of living a happier and healthier life! 

Here's some motivation for you!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Another milestone

Today was a day of epic proportions. I, former fatty, lover of all things edible, completed my first 10k without stopping. Six miles of blistering heat and blinding sun weren't enough to dampen my spirits for completing the goal I set for myself when my alarm sounded at 6:30 this morning. It was do or die today.

Maybe it's because I am a runner, or the fact that I surround myself with people that outrun me by 10+ miles, but six seems like a much smaller number when I compare my distance to others. Regardless, my run this morning was proof to myself that I am capable to going beyond any and all expectations that I've ever had for myself. 117 pounds ago (maybe more, maybe less. I haven't weighed in lately), the idea of running for an entire hour was enough to make me want to crawl back in the bed. I've always had an irrational fear of distance running. Prior to completing my first race, I hadn't run a full 3 miles. I was experiencing some type of strange mental block, let's call it runner's block, where I just couldn't push myself to do 3 miles. I have been itching to run a full 6 miles for a few weeks now, but my runner's block has put a serious damper on my motivation. I can't put it into words. My body would get to a little over 5 miles and my brain would tell it that I just couldn't go any further. Please remember this quote because it changed my life forever:
"Your body can do so much more than your brain ever thought possible." 

So what was my motivation for this run? My beautiful and inspiring best friend, Miss Kelsey Crow. Kelsey is currently teaching children  changing lives in Thailand. I am an avid reader of her blog, and her most recent update set a fire within me. Anytime my dear friends need a quick burst of reassurance and encouragement, I try to go out of my way to give it to them. Kelsey gets all of the credit for my weight loss success. She was my number one motivator, workout buddy, and above all else, my biggest cheerleader. Kelsey is practicing Thai kickboxing while overseas, and if I know her, she is kicking ass and taking names. Her blog reeked of self-motivation. She talked about how determined she's become while living in Thailand to get back into shape. If you've never had the pleasure, or sweaty displeasure of working out with Miss Crow, then you will understand the level of expectations she sets for herself. I remember going to the gym with her in 2006. I was 285 pounds, and she was on a 45 interval run on the treadmill. Just watching her made me want to vomit; that's how hard she was pushing herself. I thought, surely, I'll never be that motivated to do anything in my entire life. With her support and infinite wisdom, Kelsey was my go-to gal for making my big change. I pictured her in the jungles of Thailand, surrounded by elephants a tigers, training one-on-one with a man that strongly resembles the trainer from Karate Kid. In my mind, she was throwing jabs and round house kicks at giant bags of sands that dangle from trees. The entire time I was running, I thought about how hard she must be working and how severely she must be sweating in the muggy climate of Thailand. I figured if she could give 150% under those crazy circumstances, then surely, I could overcome my ridiculous fear of running six miles.

I killed them-all six of them. I kept a fairly steady pace of 9 minutes 30 seconds the entire time. I even purposefully included a few hills in my route. By the time I reached 5 miles, my knees ached and I was raining sweat from every pore on my body. When the lady on my GPS whispered the beautiful number 6 in my ears, I was overcome with emotion. Truth be told, I am a huge cry baby. I cry over everything and for everyone, so it was no surprise that this occasion triggered an all out sob fest. A sweet woman even pulled over to see if I was okay. She asked, "are you okay, baby?"
I responded with "I just ran 6 miles!".
She asked if I needed help and laughed when I told her that I was crying out of pride. It was a ridiculous moment to commemorate the amazing task I had just accomplished.

I've never felt more proud of myself in my entire life. I am so anxious to see just how many miles I have in me.

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."
-Christian D. Larson
Live it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


It's been three days since my big scare, and I'm back to feeling like my normal self. I felt fine later that night, in fact. It's very surprising to me that the doctor's had no explanation for what happened considering it was obviously something to do with my heart. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get any answers, but I keep reminding myself that no news is good news. You know I couldn't stay down for long. I took the entire day on Tuesday to let my body and my mind recover from the events of Monday. I could tell that my body needed that day off. I hate going multiple days without some form of physical activity. Wednesday, Rachel came over and we did Taebo. Yes, the ridiculous late 90's cardio kick-boxing video featuring the incredibly sweaty Billy Banks. It was nice to feel active again, and I really love cardio kick-boxing. The semester that I spent in the class two times a week was the semester that I dropped the most weight. I went down two pants sizes that year. I swear it's what finally got my arms in shape too. I was proud that we were able to tackle the advanced DVD! I knew it would get out heart rate up, but I had NO idea that I would rain like a freaking monsoon. I was completely drenched from head to toe after just an hour. It made me really miss my beautiful BBG (Kelsey).

Rachel and I decided to complete an early morning run today since I had to go into work at 10:30. I got to her house and we started talking about how she's been having terrible migraines after her workouts lately. She did some research and found that migraine, collapsing while running, and heart palpitations are all indicators of workout exhaustion. I realize that people workout far more often than we do, but I feel like workout exhaustion might be the answer to what happened on Monday. I also think it also had a lot to do with the heat. Running in July in the state of Alabama is seriously dangerous. Some mornings we start our run and it will be 85. By the time we get back, it's in the low 90's. We've had to run earlier and earlier every few weeks because of the heat.

I talked about it with a few of my family members and friends, and it really makes sense that my body is exhausted. I love running, but I tend to ignore signs that I am pushing myself too hard because I am so focused on reaching my goal for the day. I also feel really guilty when I can't run a solid 5 miles. I know it sounds ridiculous. Boo-hoo, poor Shannon cant' run 5 miles everyday, I know... I have a serious problem with not meeting my full potential in every single workout I complete. Just call me stubborn...

Rachel and I have come to a compromise in order to give our bodies more time to recover from running in the heat. We are going to run every other day and complete a kick-boxing routine on days that we don't run. It will give us the opportunity to strength train more and tone our soon-to-be fierce bodies. I know that I should be focusing a lot on toning, but I don't feel as accomplished after a workout that doesn't involve a lot of cardio. It's going to be a real struggle to make myself not run. I almost dread it, but I really think it's what's best.

Since losing 117 pound, my body image has become an honest to god obsession. It's all I think about, and sometimes I wonder if I care too much about it. My biggest fear in this world is packing the pounds back on. I've already given all of my size 14-20 clothes away, so I would really be up the creek without a paddle... or pants for that matter. There is never a second where I am not thinking about my appearance or the decisions I'm making that will affect it. It's unhealthy, it's negative, and it's causing me to lose sight of what I am really trying to accomplish. I want to feel healthy. I preach to everyone that how you feel is way more important than the size of  your jeans or the number you see on the scale, but am I really abiding by those rules myself? I feel amazing. I know that my success has inspired other people, and it means the world to me to have the opportunity to do so. I guess it's just a fear of failure. It would be the biggest disappointment of my life to revert back to the terrible lifestyle I lived before. I would feel like I've let the people that supported me for so many years down. I've got to stop putting so much pressure on myself. From this day forth, I'm going to stop focusing on what I've done wrong and focus on what I'm doing right. The negative energy that I'm surrounding myself with is only preventing me from living the happiest life possible, and I'm done with it. No more guilt trips and no more apologizing to myself.

I'm sorry to be such a Debbie Downer in this post, but I had to share my realization today and how I plan to make the appropriate changes. Best of luck to you in your pursuit of health and happiness, friends.
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything; they make the best of everything.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Echos, EKGs, and X-rays, oh my

Well, I'm finally home from what has turned out to be one of the longest and most worrisome days of my life. As I promised in my last entry, I woke up with the intention of busting my butt to get back on my healthy train. I wasn't terribly excited about my morning run because I didn't get enough sleep the night before, but I was determined to tough it out regardless. I got to Rachel's a little late. We started our run in the typical fashion and nothing really seemed out of the ordinary. I usually don't get out of breath until at least my 2nd mile, and I really don't start to sweat until the 3rd or 4th mile. Rachel and I got about 2 and a half miles from her house, and I could feel myself breathing heavier than usual. I tried to focus on the rhythm of my feet and breath in my usual pattern, but it didn't seem to help. All of the sudden, I began sweating profusely and my heart started racing. My chest felt extremely tight; it was unbearable. As much as I wanted to push through it, I had no other choice but to listen to what my body was trying to tell me. Clearly, something was horribly wrong. I slowed my pace to a walk and all of the sudden my vision began to tunnel. I felt like I was going to vomit. I fell to the ground because I literally could not see two feet in front of me. My heart continued to race. No matter what I did I could not catch my breath. I sat on the side of the road, gasping for air until Rachel caught up to me. By that point, I was able to see again, and I could kind of explain what was happening. My appendages were shaking violently my heart rate was much higher than it should have been. I cannot imagine what I would have done without Rachel. She booked it back to her house while I walked to a bench down the street. I laid down and gave my body a minute to relax, but my heart rate was still racing.

By the time I got back to my apartment, my heart rate was still elevated and I still had some chest discomfort. I despise hospitals and doctor's offices. They are full of bad news and my biggest fear is that they're going to tell me that I have to stop running, My sweet dad begged and pleaded for me to go. To be honest, he mostly scared me into it. I was still having tightness in my chest, so I figured it would be best to go to my doctor to see what was going on. I only went to my normal doctor. He ran an EKG to measure my heart beat, ran a few blood tests, and gave me a chest x-ray. To my surprise and dismay, he had no answers for me. He couldn't believe that this could happen to someone as healthy as me. He told me that I have no risk factors for any heart problems, so he was pretty dumbfounded. He wanted me to go to the hospital for further testing because my symptoms were consistent with a minor heart attack (or so he said), but he really wasn't convinced that it was that. He was also concerned that it might have been a blood clot in my heart or lungs, and he did not have the means to test for such things at his office.

Two hours after the episode on the side of the road, Blakely and I found ourselves in the emergency room, sharing a room with a poor old woman that had explosive diarrhea in her diaper. Miserable doesn't begin to describe this experience.
I was immediately put in a robe, hooked up to a heart rate/blood pressure monitor, and given oxygen. It was pretty extreme if you ask me, but doctors take matters of the heart pretty seriously. I was given an IV; apparently I was also dehydrated. They completed the same tests at the hospital that they ran at my doctor's office and then some. My favorite, if I had to choose, was the stress echo. To add to the 7 wires I already had dangling off my body, I was hooked up to ten more for the stress echo. The doctor used a sonogram to take pictures of my heart before beginning the test. It was so amazing to see my heart on a monitor. It was beating beautifully. Next, they strapped a giant belt around my waist to keep my wires attached to me and put me on a treadmill. The speed and elevation begin relatively low, especially for someone who runs 5 miles almost everyday. My starting heart rate was below a hundred, and I had to stay on the treadmill until it reached 176. Every three minutes, the speed and elevation of the treadmill increased. I am used to running more than 5.5 mph, but at an elevation of 18 and with bare feet, it was pretty difficult. It took 15 minutes for my heart rate to increase enough for them to photograph my heart again. Once I reached 176, I had to jump off the treadmill, rip off my gown, and let her lube up my chest for the reading. It was a crazy experience. I was excited that the nurses were so impressed by my incredible heart rate. They kept telling me how in shape I am to be able to run for so long before my heart rate increases. It made me feel awfully special.

Cheezin' in the ER! 

The doctor came in after about 5 hours of testing and laying around only to tell me that everything looked normal. He couldn't explain why my episode occurred and that I should follow  up with my doctor next week. I feel good that it wasn't a blood clot or heart attack, obviously. I guess I will just take it as "no news means good news". I wish I had more answers, but the most important thing is that it wasn't anything too serious and I don't have to stop running. 

I cannot stress the importance of listening to your body while you workout. Every run is filled with it's share of cramps and aches, but I could tell that it was much more than that this time. Even though I have no explanation, I will sleep easier knowing that I have a completely healthy heart. To my amazing friend Rachel, thank you for all you did for me today. I dread thinking about what could have happened had you not been there. You're officially my hero.

I appreciate everyone's kind words and medical advice during this brief moment of panic. Y'all are the absolute best friends a fat girl could ask for. I am going to rest tomorrow and see how I feel Wednesday before I try to exercise again. After that, it's back to the grind.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fat Attack

This will not be an awe inspiring, motivational update to tell you how hard I've worked over the past couple of days. This update will be a confession- a completely humiliating confession of the terribly greasy, fattening, and fried things that I have put into my body the past few days. Forgive me friends, for I have gorged. Gorged doesn't even begin to describe how I've eaten this weekend. I think that the fat side of my brain was under the impression that it would never eat again, so I consumed as much food as possible to ensure that I would survive. I feel bloated and fatigued, but for some odd reason, I want more. Will power is something that I will really have to dig deep to find this week. My poor stomach...

I went to Georgia Friday night to prepare for my bestie's baby shower on Saturday. My dad took me out to dinner so we could spend some much needed quality time together. We went to Chili's. I've been really careful this week about my eating. I knew that I had to prepare for the fat-fest that was sure to go down this weekend, but I didn't prepare for the fried feast that my dad and I would have at the restaurant. Fried jalapenos and onion strings and fried chicken fingers with a side of french fries and, wait for it.... FRIED CORN. Deep fried corn! OMG! It was heavenly and buttery all at the same time. My mouth waters just thinking about it. I felt so shameful and full afterwards. Regardless, it was wonderful spending time with mi padre. He is absolutely my biggest fan and greatest motivation in this world. I cherish every single fat minute I  spend with him.
Me and paps before the Warrior Dash in May

My best friend in the entire world is having a beautiful baby boy in October! Emily and I met in 2003, but we really didn't become friends until my senior year of high school. She and I have always been an odd pair. We compliment each other well and our friendship has always been so valuable in my life. It was my pleasure to give Em her first baby shower. I've spent the week preparing decorations and organizing baby-related games. Friday night was spent making Oreo truffles (of which I ate at least 6 of prior to the shower), cucumber finger sandwiches, and Rotel dip for 18+ people. I didn't sleep a wink. By the time Saturday morning rolled around, I was a nervous wreck trying to get everything together. The shower was beautiful! The decorations and food were all perfect and everything fell into place. I always stress for no reason. Emily and baby Max received all sorts of wonderful presents. I can't wait for him to arrive!

Before the party 

Decorating onesies! 


Me and Em with the diaper wreath that I made for her! 

The most delicious and ridiculously unhealthy treat EVER! 

Now that the shower is over, it's back to the real world. No more raspberry lemonade cake, Oreo truffles, or mini egg rolls. I've made my bed, and now I must lay in it. One bad weekend isn't going to put a damper of what I've worked so hard for. 
It's important to realize that you're going to have fat days, fat weeks, and sometimes, even fat months. If you know you're passionate and serious about living healthy, then hop back on that horse! Learn from your mistakes and let them motivate you to make better choices. My sleeping schedule has been affected by my food choices this weekend. I feel like I'm pregnant with a giant food baby. I'm irritable and tired all the time. My body is punishing me for what I've given it, so I will spend this week apologizing by eating better, drinking more water, and going harder at the gym. It's  my promise to you that my next update will bring healthy recipes and empowering tales of how hard I've worked to rid myself of these fat thoughts!

Here is one of my favorite quotes to remind you that there's always tomorrow! Good luck with your pursuit of health and happiness this week. Don't hesitate to comment or facebook me if there's any topic you'd like to discuss on my blog!

"Ah, Hope! What would life be, stripped of thy encouraging smiles, that teach us to look behind the dark clouds of today, for the golden beams that are to gild the morrow."
-François de la Rochefoucauld

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Will Power

A dear friend sent me a text message with a really great question. I won't name any names, but I'm sure other people struggle with the same issue. She was telling me that she is working on living healthier, and her eating habits have improved greatly. She was able to make the sacrifice as far as food goes, but she has a difficult time finding the motivation to exercise. She told me that she doesn't posses the will power to get up and go to the gym.
It really got me to thinkin' about what "will power" really entails. I know a boat load of people that have incredible determination. Nothing stands in the way of their success, and there is no obstacle that they can't overcome. To be honest with you, those people make me sick, but I envy them nonetheless. It's easy to say that they're lucky, or they're from a supportive family and were provided with many opportunities. But when you get right down to it, will power is not genetic. It's not something that you're born with. Will power is 100% learned. It's a game of mind of matter.
My advice to her was this:
Start small! It would be completely unrealistic to incorporate two hours of exercise everyday into your schedule. Make minor changes like walking to class or around town instead of driving. Bike once a week for an hour.If you already go to the gym once or twice a week, try adding another day to your schedule. It'll take some time to adjust to a new routine, but once you have adjusted to your new exercise schedule, you can increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts. As I've said before, it's never going to feel completely normal. Sweating and being out of breath are never going to feel comfortable. The overall reward, though, is tremendous.
Another helpful hint:
Don't weigh yourself weekly and cry yourself to sleep because you've only lost a pound. Focus on how far you've come and the incredible changes you're making. Keep the end in mind! It takes a great deal of patience to see progress when you are having to change every single aspect of your life. If you think about it, it took you how ever many years you've lived to put the weight on; It's not going to fall off overnight.

I appreciate your question, anonymous friend. Thank you for reading, and I hope you find the motivation you're looking for!  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hey girl, keep running

Have I mentioned how much I love running? I got home from work at 4:15 today, and the only thing I wanted to do was nap. I've given up my afternoon naps this week in an attempt to be more active and productive. Now that I'm working everyday, I have to make time for laundry, cleaning, reading 50 Shades of Grey, etc where I can. Rachel and I didn't run this morning because I had to work, so we planned a night run. I started some laundry and completed a couple of toning exercises. Once my big butt hit the couch though, it was lights out. I woke up to Rachel calling me to tell me she was on her way to my house for our run. I had ten minutes to shovel a banana in my mouth and prepare myself for a 5 miler. I was exhausted and unmotivated, but it didn't take long to get me in the mood once we started. I could have run 5 more because the weather was cool, the sun was setting, and the wind was just light enough to keep my sweat from dripping down my face. It was the perfect run. 

I've been sticking to my guns about my eating habits at work, and surprisingly, I've done really well! Sometimes food will come in the window that I've never seen and I think about how I'd give my right arm to for just a taste of it, but then I remember what it was like to have multiple chins... How quickly your appetite changes! 

I am sad to report that my Adidas Marathons are retired. I will give them a proper burial at the Warrior Dash this October after I wear them for one last race. My new babies are absolutely fabulous! I know nothing about running shoes. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why people spend hundreds of dollars on shoes that their going to wear out in year or so. I don't have a hundred dollars for shoes, so I had to go the Shoe Carnival route. Since January, I've had my heart set on a pair of Reebox Real Flex. They are super lightweight, breathable, and flexible. It's my honor to introduce them to you! I've run 20 miles in them so far, and they were amazingly easy to break in! I absolutely recommend them to any runner looking for a new pair of kicks.

Here are some not-so-fat dinner options for you:

I made this the other night, and OMG! For it to be a vegetarian meal, it is unreal! Blakely even liked it (so you know it's good). The roasted vegetables can be changed or substituted as needed.

Remember the chocolate pudding pops from two posts ago? Blakely and I (mostly me) destroyed those in a week. I wanted to make them again because I have to have a sweet after I eat dinner or I will gorge on whatever I can find in my pantry. We looked at the different types of pudding and decided on strawberry creme. Y'all! These suckers taste just like a milkshake. We used the Jello Strawberry Creme pudding and a cup of sugar-free whip cream. Unfortunately, they don't make the strawberry creme pudding in a fat-free option, but it's totally worth the extra calories! Just mix the pudding according to the box, stir in a cup of sugar-free whip cream, and freeze! 
I wish I had a picture...

I found this leg workout on Pinterest, and let me just say that it's the real deal! I am really trying to target my inner thighs. I have a life-long goal of one day having Tina Turner legs. There's no doubt that this will get me there! 

Here is a little motivation for you this week; I know it motivates me. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

For the love of fried chicken

I know it's been nearly a week since my last update. I apologize greatly! I started a new job this week, and I've been completely consumed by 50 Shades of Grey. Those are legitimate excuses for not blogging, right?!

This week has been a busy week. I've been trying to squeeze in as much time with my friend Nanci as possible before she vanishes for an entire week to attend 8th grade cheer came. It takes a strong woman to attend 8th grade cheer came, that's for sure. It seems like I've been much more active in the town where I attended college. It's been great seeing old friends and catching up. To my surprise, every person I ran into told me how much they enjoy reading my blog. Words cannot express my gratitude. This is my confessional and my motivation for all that I do. Knowing that I am going to have to report my shortcomings and binge eating spells to my readers keeps me in line (for the most part- sometimes fat Shannon peeks her fat head up, and there's just no way around it). Thank you for your support and your kind words. For as long as people tell me they enjoy reading my blog, I will continue to update.

Like I said, I've started a new job! Not a new teaching job- Blakely got me a job at the restaurant where he works as a waitress. Before settling at the private school I worked at for the last 3 years of college, I served everywhere in this town. I'm a master of the craft, and I knew that it would bring in a little more money to put toward grad. school and my classroom. I have always told people that I would rummage through trash cans for food rather than ever work in a restaurant again. You know what they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. For the last 3 years, Blakely has come home every night smelling like wing sauce and philly cheese steaks. Now I have the pleasure of basking in the same greasy glory as my honey.
My biggest fear with working in a restaurant is the food. The last serving job I had was at an Applebee's.  I gained 18 pounds because someone decided it would be a good idea to leave the fries sitting in front of me  with a buffet of dipping sauces for my fat pleasure. Needless to say, I gorged on french fries constantly. I can remember sneaking into the freezer, stealing chocolate mousse desserts, and cramming them down my throat in a hurry while no one was looking. It was pathetically fat and I deserved every single pound I put on my guilty body at that job. My new job is at a chicken wing joint, and every knows my love for all things fried. I can just see myself rolling in wing sauce as I devour endless drumsticks and chase them down with ranch-covered bacon cheddar cheese fries (is it sad that my mouth is watering?). This will be the greatest challenge of my less-fat life. So what's my plan of action, you might be wondering. How will I avoid all the free fried fat and never ending sodas at my fingertips? Here it is, my plan to resist temptation at all costs:

1. Eat before work. I have been working mostly night shifts, so I go in at 4 and get off around 9 or 10. This is smack dap in the middle of second snack and dinner time. Prior to working, I eat a larger snack to carry me through the shift until I can come home and eat dinner. I try to include a fruit or veggie, protein, and a carb of some sort. The other day I made a half of a peanut butter and honey sandwich with an orange. I didn't feel hungry until around 8, and I got off an hour after that. It wasn't too bad. I was able to come home and quickly whip up something for dinner.

2. Limit myself to one non-water drink per shift. I drink water all day everyday. Now that I have access to a soda fountain and tea urn, I find myself craving those things more often. I gave up sodas briefly when I first started losing weight, and now I'll have one or two a week. At work, I can drink whatever I want, whenever I want. The best way I know how to deal with this is to hold tight to my water. I will fill up my to-go cup with lemon water until just before they close down the drink fountain. At the end of the night, I will allow myself ONE cup of tea or soda. I feel like it's the most reasonable way to handle the situation.

3. When eating the food from work, avoid all things fried. There are always healthier options. Fried chicken can be substituted for grilled chicken in every meal on the menu. You can also substitute fries for vegetables or a salad. I don't plan on eating there much because the smell of it has turned me off completely, but when I do, it has to be modified. Luckily, Blakely works in the kitchen, so I don't have to worry about being hassled over my picky eating habits.

Onto other things... I had a friend ask me what iPhone apps I use to manage my weight. Smartphones have contributed a great deal to my weight loss success, and there are 3 apps in particular that I really enjoy using.

This is, hands down, my favorite fitness app. I use Map My Run daily to track my running. It can track any and all exercise that you do. It counts the calories you've burned, the number of steps you taken, and even maps it out for you! This app is available for iPhone and Android users. 

This is not an app that I use regularly. If I am having a seriously fat week where I just can't bring myself to stop eating Nutella by the spoonful, then I will start tracking my calories to show myself what a fatty I've been. My Fitness Pal is most commonly used to track calories. It also logs exercises and rewards you with more calories to consume for exercising. It was a huge eye-opener for me to see how many calories I was eating everyday. This app is definitely a must have if you are just starting out! You can also add and track your friends progress if they use the app too! This app is also available for iPhone and Android users. 

This app is the jam! There are endless workouts to target anything and everything. Best of all, there are videos to demonstrate each and every exercise they have you do. You can use this app and listen to iTunes or Pandora. Once you begin a workout using the app, a voice over instructs you the entire time. You can pause it if you are unsure of what it's telling you to do and watch a brief tutorial of the exercise. 
It's one of my favorites! I'm not sure if this app is open to Android users, but my iPhone friends, you really need this app. It's free! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Binge eating and a lapse of motivation

Last night was full of tossing and turning. I don't why my sleep was so interrupted, but it was not enjoyable considering I had to be up 6:30 for a run with Rachel. I was completely unmotivated for my morning workout. Usually, that leads to an unbearable run that drags on forever. I toughed it out and completed my 5 miles. It ended up being very energizing. Rachael lives on top of a huge hill, and it was my goal to run up it without stopping. Don't get me wrong, we definitely took our time running up the beast of a hill; I kept my head down the entire time because I knew the sight of the incline would be enough to make me want to walk it. I'm so proud to say that we conquered the hill and lived to tell about it. I didn't expect to leave this morning with any sense of accomplishment, but what do ya know?! I felt so accomplished that I came home and rewarded myself with a 2-hour nap. 

This evening's workout consisted of yoga at the Y. I know that I should do more yoga being that I am a runner, but I am completely ashamed of my severe lack of flexibility. I've been to multiple yoga classes where the teacher has to pull me aside to tell me that I am going to hurt myself if I don't improve my flexibility. It's humiliating and I look like a complete freak show trying to do it. So if you'd like a good laugh, you can join me for yoga on Wednesday morning. I'll be the heifer in the back with bent knees and stiff ankles!

After yoga and a quick trip to the grocery store, I treated my screaming stomach to a banana. I knew I was about to cook dinner, but my nap fell right in the middle of my usual snack time. Not so much to my surprise, the banana just wasn't enough. If I had a reality t.v. show that involved cameras being placed in every corner of my house, you, the viewers, would have been treated to a three minute episode of me raking cold chicken nachos into my mouth. My fat self couldn't even wait 30 seconds to warm them. So pathetic!
Have you ever seen Planet Earth episodes where the mama tiger drags her dead prey back to her cubs, and they prance all over it without hesitation or curiosity to what it is they're putting in their mouths? The only thing they care about is the act of eating, and god knows they've been wanting, waiting, hoping so patiently for it. It was kind of like that- minus the blood and brains. I had to force myself to stop. I wanted to purge immediately upon realizing what I was doing. It wasn't even in my control, and to be honest, I don't even remember getting Blakely's nachos out of the fridge. Perhaps I am the host of some obese, binge eating demon. I'd like to think that was the root of the problem, but realistically, the problem is that I have the appetite of a linebacker and the self-control of a child. Binge eating sprees are old news in my world. For as long as I can remember, I've raided the fridge for random, and sometimes, weird items. In my fat years, it wasn't uncommon for me to fill my mouth with canned whip cream and then eat chocolate syrup off a spoon to chase it down. This is unbelievably humiliating for me to admit... FYI
In my last post, I talked about the importance of putting yourself on a consistent eating schedule. Eating schedules have really helped me control the binge eating beast that lurks within, but it's not uncommon at all for me to occasionally feed the beast. All I have to say for myself is that I am glad it was actual food and not whip cream with a chocolate syrup chaser or a mouth full of shredded fiesta blend cheese. I decided that it would be best to wait a little while before cooking dinner since the beast was temporarily satisfied. Falling off the wagon for a brief eating spree isn't the end of the world. Stop, drop the chicken leg, and get back on the saddle. Regardless of my fat spell, I did very well today. I even traded in a chocolate dipped cone for my homemade granola. I never said it would be more satisfying, but it's obviously the healthier choice.

In less fat news, I've found several really great and healthy recipes on Pinterest this week! Here they are for your not-so-guilty viewing/stealing pleasure!

This was an awesome snack this week! I will definitely be making this more!

This was dinner tonight, but honestly, I don't know how I felt about sweet chicken. It's a Weight Watcher's recipe, so ya know it's easy and a much healthier option! 

This was an awesome side with my lemon/garlic chicken earlier this week! 

And for dessert... 

Whether you are just getting started in your journey to lead a healthier life or you're 5 pounds shy of your end goal, I wish you the best of luck in the days ahead! Follow me on Pinterest for more motivational pins and delicious recipes!
Here is the only thing important or relevant Gwyneth Paltrow ever said to motivate you this week:

Friday, July 6, 2012

Understanding your body

My holiday was filled with friends, ribs, golf cart rides, and fireworks. It was a beautiful day, and I am proud to say that I resisted the temptation to shovel food into my mouth at an ungodly rate. Maybe I do have will power, or maybe I'm learning it!

Something that I'd really like to stress with this update is the importance of listening to your body. Like I said, I don't diet. I refuse to diet because I love all things unhealthy too much to ever give them up. In my fat life, I ate because I was bored or because the sun shone, who knows. There was hardly ever hunger involved in my reasons for eating so much. Teaching myself to eat because I was hungry was the hardest thing about changing my lifestyle. The best advice that I could give is to put your body on an eating schedule. Eat well portioned meals and snacks around the same time everyday. Your body will get used to the new schedule and will adapt. You'll find yourself feeling full for longer periods of time because your body is aware of when it's going to receive food again. I don't really know if that's scientifically accurate, but I'm going with it. Drinking water can also help curve craving between feeding times. I've read a lot about how our bodies often confuse dehydration for hunger. They advise drinking a full glass of water and waiting before immediately raiding the pantry to see if your body is just dehydrated or if it's actually hungry. I drink water constantly and abide by a fairly consistent eating schedule, so I've stopped feeling hunger pains for the most part. It's a nice feeling to eat a reasonably portioned meal and feel completely satisfied. You'll be surprised at how fast your body will get used to your routine.

Yesterday was my rest day. My muscles have been so sore since I bumped my workouts up to two a day. I intended on going to yoga yesterday morning. The alarm blared at 7:30, but in my sleep, I shut it off. I didn't wake up until noon. That never happens to me! I love my mornings and the snooze button is rarely used. I think it was my body's way of telling me that it needed more time to recover. I am constantly preaching about the importance of listening to your body, and mine was clearly begging for more sleep.

Pinterest has been so good to me lately! I've found some of the best recipes, and I find myself wanting to cook more! Last night's dinner was a modified Pinterest find. The only change I made was adding turkey sausage to the meal. Big girl's gotta eat her meat! 

Blakely actually described this as the best meal I've ever made for him. I was so honored! 

Now that the 4th of July has passed, a great way to get back into your healthy routine is with a detox! Gross, I know. I've only used one because it's simple, cheap, and effective. I can't give you an idea of whether or not I lost any weight using it. I try to avoid the scale because in my opinion, numbers are nearly as important as how my body feels, but I felt so great after just two days with this detox! It's so easy! Substitute ALL drinks for this apple cinnamon water. 

Slice an apple and add a stick of cinnamon to a gallon of water. Put it in the fridge until it's cool enough to drink, or add ice if you'd like it right away. Give it a go! 

My entire life has been devoted to ridding myself of my disgusting love handles. My mother has always told me that I come by them honestly, but I don't care! I want them gone. Believe me, they have slimmed down since losing 117 pounds, but not nearly as much as I'd like them to. From this day forth, I am forcing myself to target my muffin top. I found these exercises that specifically target the midsection. Maybe this will be it for my spare tire! 
You can see the words a little clearer if you go to the blog that I got it from. 

She also has a lot of great tips for healthy eating habits! Check it out. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Guilty pleasures

Happy Independence Day, all! I hope your day is filled with lots of grilled goodies and delectable desserts! I'm anxiously waiting for Blakely to wake up. Every 4th of July we spend the day randomly belting out ridiculous patriotic songs at the top of our lungs. It's the most ridiculous tradition ever. Our relationship is full of ridiculousness! 

I didn't update yesterday because I spent the day running errands with a friend and catching up on laundry. I managed to squeeze in a 4.5 mile run in the morning, and boy was it hot. It was already 93 degrees at 8:15 in the morning. I can't even imagine what July is going to be like! My breakfast included a banana oat breakfast cookie from my previous post and a whole banana. After about a mile and a half of my run, I began to really regret the whole banana. For lunch, I made another Pinterest meal! 

Here is the recipe! If you like really fresh vegetables, you will LOVE this! 

I managed to stay on track for the beginning part of my day, but once Nanci came over, it was on like fat Donkey Kong.I try to be good about what I eat. Deep down, I think I might have some type of binge eating disorder. Once I taste the sweet chocolaty goodness of candy, there is no taming the beast. I've been craving candy all week. I've been able to subside these cravings by drinking a cup of coffee or eating healthy sweets, like fruit. Yesterday broke me. I bought a bag of Reese's Pieces and inhaled them in like, 3 minutes. I try to be realistic because I'd like for my readers to see the everyday battle between good and fat. This is the constant struggle that I am always referring to, and I'd be lying if I said that I never give in. It's still incredibly difficult for me to steer off track briefly and then hop immediately back on the good choice train. I always feel that if I make one mistake in my day, the entire day is blown and it ends up being a fat fest. Self-control is something that I lack. 

Nanci and I went to see Magic Mike. I think the only thing I crave more than chocolate is Channing Tatum, so our matinee definitely fed that craving. We got to the theatre and the smell of buttery delight overwhelmed me. I was taken back to my movie theatre days where the only things I had to eat for the entire day were the nachos I could sneak, the candy I could steal, and the popcorn that I caught in a cup fresh out of the popper. No wonder I was 285 pounds. 
I gave in... again. I bought a small popcorn, doused it in butter, and ate half the bag by myself during the first 30 minutes of the movie. 
Dinner consisted of a ham and veggie sub from Subway with a pack of apple chips. That's healthy, kind of! Right? 

Do I feel guilty? Horribly. It helps to know that my friends and readers will see the reality of the choice to live a healthy life style. Temptations are all around us. Every minute of the day is spent thinking about what I wish I could eat next, and what I know I'll have to eat instead. It's often disappointing, but I know that in the long run, the occasional slip up is not enough to bring me back to the fat side. You will have fat days. Enjoy them while you can, but be prepared to work your tail off the next day to make up for them.

Today has already started off on a better, and much healthier foot. My breakfast included scrambled egg whites and turkey bacon, followed by a 4.5 mile run. Regardless of the fact that it's a holiday, I am going to do my best to eat right today! If you've been good all week about your diet and exercise, let this be your fat day! Reward yourself for your hard work! 
Enjoy this beautiful day with your family and friends, loves! 

Monday, July 2, 2012


Man oh man. Day 3 of the 300/30 day challenge kicked my butt! It's going to take a great deal of will power to get through the 30 days, but I am determined to see if it works. 
Mine and Rachel's morning run turned into a late night run due to storms. For whatever reason, I agreed to a 5:45 run this morning. I was so relieved when my alarm went off at 5 and it was lightening like crazy. 

I won't lie, I am falling back into the cereal trap. I have been really good about watching my portions, though! A woman from the YMCA came to talk to my running club kids this past year about nutrition. She had some of the kids poor a bowl of cereal to show the group how much they thought was one serving size. I was floored when I realized that I was probably eating between 3 and 4 servings of cereal every morning. It was a huge eye opener! In my never ending attempt to find healthier options for breakfast, I made these! 

You can click here to get the recipe! 

There is no sugar, no dairy, and no oil! The texture was not what I thought it would be, but I really enjoyed the one that I tried fresh out of the oven. I can't wait to inhale one before my run tomorrow morning. 

I was so bored today that I worked out 3 times. Please don't think that this is a regular occurrence by any means. My legs and arms feel like jello, but I'm not sorry! My body will hate me tomorrow. After breakfast, I completed my 300/30 and Malibooty routines plus some toning exercises. I ran my errands and went to tutoring and then decided to hit the gym for some weightlifting and body sculpt. I despise lifting weights. It's boring, painful, and makes time move incredibly slowly. After about 40 minutes of that, Rachel and I met up for the most ghettofied run of my life. I took her on the course of my first 5k. I didn't realize at the time that it was through some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in town. We cranked out 5 miles regardless! I seriously felt like I could have run 10 miles tonight. I can tell that I am ready for my first 10k race. My knees usually start aching after 4 miles, but my mind is totally in the game! Now I have to find a race. 

I have found the most delicious recipe of my life. Buffalo chicken wings are my other mistress. If I were put alone in a room of chicken wings, terrible things would happen. I've held off for months, but here lately I've been having some intense cravings for them. Blakely refuses to eat them because he works in the kitchen of a restaurant that cooks them all the time. (Understandable) But that doesn't satisfy my fatness! I figured if I could just taste the spicy goodness of buffalo sauce, that would subdue. 
Here it is- the most amazingly awesome buffalo chicken lettuce wrap recipe! It's super easy, super cheap, and super  low in calories!

Other than just posting about my eating habits and what I am doing to stay healthy, is there anything YOU would like to hear about? I can answer questions, and if I can't, I'll just direct them to Kelsey or Blakely who will be able to answer it. That's pretty much what I do with everything else in my life.