Saturday, June 30, 2012

112 to go!

I'm SO overwhelmed by the support and appreciation I've already received about my blog. I really wanted it to be an accountability system for myself. I wanted my friends to know about the secret trips I take to the pantry for chips and how I raid the fridge daily for a taste of anything chocolate. I have gotten truly touching feedback about how it has been a big motivator for my friends. As long as you are reading, I will keep writing!

My goal for the summer was to run 200 miles by the time school starts back. I added up my mileage from the last week in May until yesterday, and I have run 88 miles this month! Needless to say, I was over the moon.
Yesterday was one for the books, my friends. It began with a fabulous run with my running partner, Rachel. I find it difficult to find people as dedicated to exercise as I am. Rachel and I went to college together and will be teaching at the same school next year. She asked me in April to start running with her, and folks, there are very few people that I know that are as self-motivated as this chick. Rachel is a mother of one of the smartest children I've ever known. She completed college while raising her baby and working at the same time. Did I mention that she is fabulously in shape? Seriously, she is the girl you look at and want to punch in the face because you would absolutely kill to have her body. And she eats healthy? What's up with that, Rachel?! When we began running together, Rachael was up to a solid mile and I could do 4. We wanted to run a 5k to support a local school for students with special needs that I worked at for 3 years. In one week... let me say it again. In one week, Rachel increased her distance by 2 miles. I think it took me months and months to work up the endurance to run 2 miles, and it took at least a year before I could run 3. We completed our first 5k together in 32 minutes. 
Rachel tells me all the time how inspiring I am, but in all reality, she's the one that inspires me the most.
Here we are pre-run at the 2012 Trot for Tots! 

On top of running, we are incorporating the Malibooty workout into our exercise routine. The Malibooty workout is a gem that I came across on Pinterest a few weeks ago! I promise if you do it correctly and really engage those buns, you will feel it the next day! 
Here is a link with video tutorials of each move:
We have also used the 300/30 day challenge to start toning our tummies. It's a series of 300 ab exercises that you do everyday for 30 days. It's another Pinterest find that is based on the P90X ab workout. The before and after pictures are pretty impressive, but we'll have to see after 30 days! 
Here is a link to the 300/30 day challenge:

Did I just go off on a tangent? Get used to it. After my run it was off to an overwhelmingly hot Hotlanta. The high yesterday in Georgia was 108 (reason #239230420394 why I want to move to Colorado). Once I trudged through the extra hour of ATL traffic, I was able to grab a tea with my friend Tim. It is always nice to catch up with Timmy. Should I ever end up in jail, he will be sitting right beside me. I then met up with Steven. Uh-oh, I feel another tangent coming on...
Steven and I went to college together briefly. We somewhat knew each other through mutual friends, but I guess we never conversed long enough to see if we had anything in common. Steven is what they call an "ultra runner". In my opinion, he is absolutely out of his mind. Ultra running, from what I've gathered, is running any distance that is greater than a marathon. He's a beast. Once we realized that we both shared a love for running, we had much more to talk about! 
We ate BBQ at some restaurant that had the word Fox in it's name; I'm not really sure. I was super prepared for a fat attack because I love barbeque. I feel like I controlled myself well. I followed my own advice of halving the entire meal. The fries, though... The fries were sweet! What's up with that, and why were they so delicious? It probably would have been in my best interest to choose a salad as my side. Before the end of May, I went on a 3 month break from fries. Our relationship was moving too fast for me, and we were seeing a great deal of each other. I decided that I needed some time apart. Now that I have rekindled my love with the savory fried potato, I've never been more lustful for them. Sometimes I think it'd be easier to throw my hands up and eat myself into a coma. My best friend, Emily, once told me that she hopes she dies eating so she knows that she will die happy. I can't say that I disagree. It was definitely somewhat of a cheat day, but I've had worse. It's always important to reward yourself as long as you don't go overboard. Tomorrow is the start of a new week. I am going to go ahead a set my distance goal at 22 miles. That sounds pretty reasonable.
Eat well and work hard! Keep these words in the back of your head when you feel like you just can't do it!
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."

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