Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivation for your Monday

I've seen many bloggers post weekly with inspiring stories centered around their friends' and readers' accomplishments. It goes without saying that I am overwhelmingly motivated by each and every person that has taken the time to contact me to let me know that in some crazy way, I've inspired them.
When I first began this blog, I posted about the people in my life that inspire me to continue this rigorous and completely insane journey that I set out on 4 years ago. My family, my boyfriend, and my friends are my motivation for living a healthier lifestyle. Five years ago, I was obese, lonely, and headed toward a slew of health issues stemming from my poor health habits.
Since middle school, I have considered the backbone of every single decision I've made to be the students I work with. Obviously, I wasn't a teacher throughout middle school and high school, but I generated the most creative excuses for ditching my classes early in order to spend time with my friends in the special education classrooms. The Friends Club was my reason for becoming a teacher. The people I met and the lessons I learned shaped me into who I am today.

I have been working with individuals with intellectual disabilities for over 13 years now. It's the only profession that I ever even considered. It is difficult to explain if you've never known a person with a disability but their determination for succeeding in everything they do epitomizes inspiring. Expectations are pointless in this field; they're constantly shattered.
My fondest memories in high school were not of my own prom or football games with the band. When I look back to my high school days I think about taking the Friends Club to Special Olympics or the annual dance we threw for them each year. Those were absolutely the happiest times in my life.
Now that I have my own classroom, 5 tiny humans that I am so fortunate to call my own, I am still floored by their ability to meet and exceed my expectations. My students are my motivation for everything I do. I owe it to them to be the best person, teacher, protector, and friend I can possibly be.
They are my motivation each and everyday.

A very inspiring story showed up on my Facebook news feed yesterday. The headline read "First person with Down Syndrome Crosses the NYC Marathon Finish line". I was taken back. People with Down Syndrome typically suffer from heart complications and obesity. Jimmy Jenson not only finished, but cheered on his competitors as they passed him along the way. He and his best buddy completed the race in just over 8 hours. If this doesn't motivate you, then I don't know what will.
This is one of the most inspiring people I've ever seen. I am so happy for the attention he is getting because it truly is a remarkable story. Like I said, expectations are pointless.'s Story on Jimmy

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