Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Balancing Act

Where do I even begin? Crazy is not powerful enough to describe my life right now. Between organizing Fit Friends, grad school, and that teaching thing I do everyday, I can't seem to find a spare moment to keep this thing updated. Lucky for me, we have been "snowed in" for the last two days. I am pretty up to date on my grad school assignments, and it looks like my lesson plans will roll over into next week, so here we go...

I ran the Hot Chocolate 15K a couple of weeks ago in Atlanta. I wasn't going to do it for several reasons. One being that I hadn't run 9 miles in two months. Another reason was that I was doing it alone. I saw the jackets they were giving the runners, and I figured what the heck? I can run a couple of miles, get a sweet running jacket, and eat a crap ton of chocolate afterwards. It was definitely worth the $60 bucks! The event was huge, the biggest race I have ever run. The event was a ton of fun, and running 9 miles isn't so hard when you know there is a chocolate party at the finish line. My parents went with me even though it was 20 something degrees outside. The race as through downtown Atlanta, so I had a lot of beautiful scenery (and homeless people) to look at while I ran. I would recommend this race to anyone!  

I think last time I updated I introduced you to Fit Friends, the summer camp I am collaborating with JSU to organize for adults with intellectual disabilities. Word is getting around, and everyone seems to be enthusiastic about the idea! I cannot believe how quickly this thing has taken off! I also can't believe how much work goes into organizing something like this. I have met with several people and a couple of different agencies in the area, and I feel like I have absolutely NO idea what I am doing. I tell them my ideas, give them our pamphlet, talk about the work we have already put in, and then I am overloaded with a hundred thousand questions that I don't know how to answer.

"What are your plans for liability? Who will be responsible if someone is injured?"
"Where is a copy of your budget?"
"How will you organize transportation?"
"Do you think relying on volunteers is a good idea? What if one of them has a bad experience and leaves in the middle of camp?"

These questions bounce around in my head throughout the night. I haven't been sleeping well lately, and I think it is because I am terrified this thing won't work out. The only thing I can do is give it to God. I can tell by the response of the community that Fit Friends is going to be welcomed, so I am trying my best to sift past the doubt and focus on the end result. This is going to happen, and it will be a positive addition to our community. 

What's that saying about eating an elephant? One bite at a time, or something? Everyone knows I am the biggest binge eater that ever lived. I prefer to eat everything in one quick, messy sitting (if I even make it to the table). I'm ready to get the ball rolling! 

Two different people this month have asked me how to get/stay healthy with a busy schedule. I'm not quite sure my response was what they were looking for, or rather, what they wanted to hear. In a nutshell, suck it up, buttercup. I mean that in the nicest way possible, really. Life and health should never be a balancing act. It is the most important commitment you will every make, and your health HAS to be a priority in your life. Simple as that. Sacrifices have to be made if you want to see results. The first piece of advice I give every single person that asks me about my transformation is "you will lose weight when you are really and truly ready".
 If you aren't serious about it and completely willing to surrender to the lifestyle changes you have to make to be healthy, then it isn't going to happen. Yo-yo diets, pills, and Pinterest workouts (I love them too, trust) aren't going to give you lasting results. You need to be prepared to change aspect of your life. 
I began my fitness journey in college. Between morning practicums, afternoon classes, and endless nights of lesson planning, I managed to squeeze in a 45 minute exercise class everyday. Now, my day begins at 5 a.m. and doesn't end until usually 7 or 8 p.m. That's not including the grad school work I have once I finally get home. Five or six days a week, I make time for an hour long Crossfit class or an hour or so of running. I'm a freak of nature, I get that. Most people don't want to occupy every single second of their day with something. 
Do what works for you. Find the time to make it happen. You won't regret it and you won't be disappointed. 

Tips for finding time to be healthy:
1. Plan and prepare meals on the weekend. Make a menu and grocery list on Saturday and go shopping. Spend an hour or two on Sunday preparing your lunches and making dinners that you can store in the freezer for the week ahead. 

2. Wake up early and knock it out! I am a morning person, so it's easy for me to say. For those of you that dread waking up, try going to bed earlier. It takes a couple of weeks to acclimate your body to waking up early, and it takes LOTS of motivational pep talks to convince yourself to workout immediately after rolling out of the bed, but the results are SO worth it! Morning workouts boost your metabolism so you burn more fat throughout the day, long after you have completed your workout! Set your phone or alarm clock across the room so you won't be tempted to hit snooze. 

3. Watch your "stories" while you workout! We all have our favorite television programs. Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, The Following, and The Biggest Loser are just a few of my faves. When do I catch up on them? While I'm on the treadmill! Time flies when you are wrapped up in a show. Just last week, I was four miles into a run and sobbing through an episode of Biggest Loser. I think I worked MORE muscles crying while running. If you don't have a treadmill, write your workout down and push that coffee table against the wall. Workout in front of the t.v.! 

4. Join a fitness class. Feeling accountable is incredibly motivating! Fitness classes have a social aspect to them. You are more inclined to go if you feel like your friends will ask about you when you aren't there. I always wonder what my Crossfit friends are doing or talking about when I'm not in class. If I have something important to tell one of them, I can't get there fast enough. My coach always asks if my mouth is warmed up yet because I spend the first 20 minutes yapping away. The workout seems much less taxing when you have friends to cut up with throughout it.

Here are some yummy things that I have made recently that can easily be frozen and eaten throughout the week:

These are healthy, filling, and SO yummy! I made them with green enchilada sauce, but either one works! 

I love to make a batch of soup for dinner and take the leftovers for lunch! 

I have been devouring this for lunch lately! I make a big batch of it at the beginning of each week. I eat it alone, and sometimes I top a spinach salad with a smaller portion of it. 

Keep this in mind this week! Change is possible if you are willing to make it happen! 

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