Thursday, July 4, 2013

The dark side of skinny

Happy 4th, everyone! Many of my friends traveled to Downtown Atlanta for the annual Peachtree Road Race. It's kind of funny because last year, I told myself I would build up to a 10k and run it in 2013. I've come much farther than a 10k, but I missed the registration. Apparently the race fills up quickly and by the time I realized I was late, bibs were going online for $150-$200. No thanks. I can run 6 miles that's exactly what I did!

Rachel and I set out this morning on our own Fourth of July 10k. I like to call it Shannon and Rachel's Run for Patriotism and the Shameless Consumption of Not-so-healthy Foods 10k. It was monumental, to say the least. We weren't sure if it was going to happen considering it's been raining off and on for two days now, but the weather held out for the most part! There were a few moments where I thought the bottom would drop out for sure. You know, those light mists that fall just before all hell breaks loose?
I swear the track we ran on was more than 6.2 miles. This was the second time I've run the course, and both times I have ended at almost 7 miles. Either way, it was a fun way to celebrate and burn some calories! It was also my first run with my hydration pack. The heat and humidity have been getting the best of me lately. I've had to cut several of my runs short because I just can't shake feeling like I'm breathing into a plastic bag. Rachel has been running with her hydration belt all summer, and she told me it makes all the difference in the world. I ordered one, and I can't believe it's taken me so long to invest in one! It's a little awkward at first because you have a belt strapped to you with a water bottle sloshing around, but it is definitely worth it. The sun wasn't out today, but I wouldn't have made it without water in this humidity.
Have I mentioned how much I hate the south?

Not only were we both first in our age group, but we took home the whole thing! 

We were sweaty, sticky messes! 

The past two days have been rough. CrossFit has been kicking my butt, to the point of needed to take a day off to recover. My quads and hamstrings have been so tight that transitioning from a seated position to standing is like a two minute ordeal. My love handles are ever sore. How does that happen?! I'm a member of a running blog site, and I sought some advice from runners far more skilled than me because the muscle confusion that I am experiencing from CrossFit is affecting my runs. It's difficult to run distances when a different part of your body aches everyday. Most of them said exactly what I didn't want to hear... that I'm doing too much. I try to go to CrossFit at least 5 times per week. I've been doing two-a-days all summer, and unfortunately, I'm going to have to cut back to allow for more recovery time. 

I've had this blog for a little more than a year. I try to be as candid as possible about the ups and downs of healthy living. Since its creation, I've had people talk to me about expanding my writing. A few people have even asked me if I would ever write a book. With a full time job, graduate school, and training, I have never really given it much thought. The other day I sat down, opened a Word document, and spilled my thoughts onto paper out of pure boredom. I'm not sure what it is, but it's something. I have always tried to explain to people that there is a "dark side" of losing weight. If you think about it, dropping the weight of an average teenager is a total body transformation. The best way I can describe it is like an out of body experience. You begin to look at your self differently, and eventually, other people do too. It's like the old you never existed at all, and it can be difficult to accept this new person that has taken over your body. I say new person because it's never just a physical transformation. The mental and emotional changes that accompany such a drastic physical change are undeniable. Your interests and hobbies change, and you are forced to make sacrifices to become the person you want to be. It can be a little overwhelming at times. If I were going to write a book, it would be about that. The struggles of accepting the physical, mental, and emotional changes of weight loss. Of course, anything I write would ooze vulgarity and profanity, and my obscene sense of humor would be painted in every line. It's something to think about, I suppose. 

I'm not posting any recipes or workouts today. I think holidays should spent with family and friends instead of the gym, and unhealthy choices should be made all day long. Don't be afraid to scarf down a hot dog or three, and enjoy your patriotic desserts because tomorrow, it's back to the grind! 

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