Monday, June 24, 2013

What doesn't kill you...

Can we take a moment to celebrate the fact that I recently purchased my first single digit-sized article of clothing! That's right! I bought a dress that is a size 8! I haven't worn an article of clothing below double digits since I was in middle school. I'm proud to say the VERY least!
My size freaking 8 dress! Woo hoo! 

Summer is finally here which means staying up late, sleeping in, and eating all the junk food I can get my hands on, right? Wait... It doesn't? Shoot!

I'm dedicating this summer to exercise and finally getting this last six pounds OFF! I know, six pounds shouldn't be that hard. If it weren't for my passionate love affair with all things sweet, I truly believe I would look like Jennifer Lawrence by now... but such is life. I have embraced my addiction, and I am desperately seeking healthier alternatives for curbing my sweet cravings. Any suggestions are appreciated!

Before I get into my health rant, I'd like to brag on Hawaii! Paradise isn't a strong enough word to describe Hawaii. Heaven is more accurate. Beaches, mountains, boats, surfing, and all the yummy food you can get your hands on! If I had it my way, I would have never left. I have been so fortunate to meet a family that has been generous by taking me with them on their exotic vacations to attend to their daughter. Technically, I was working the entire time. Swimming, snorkeling, and sun bathing was incredibly strenuous work and all, but somehow I managed. My favorite part about Hawaii wasn't the picture perfect beaches or the pod of dolphins I swam it. It was undoubtedly the food. Fresh fruit of all sorts, so sweet that it even satisfied my sweet tooth (that's saying a lot). We won't even go into the glutenous fat-fest that took place on that island, but I ran 4 days during the trip and did cross training, so I don't feel that guilty. I can't even describe how incredible it was to run on the beaches there. One of the girls I was with had to work out because she plays college basketball, so I had someone to hold me accountable. We kicked off our shoes and ran along the edge of the water since that sand is much firmer. It was KILLER! My calves, shins, and quads were sore for days. My first outdoor run after returning to Alabama was miserable. Humidity, surprisingly, was not a problem in Hawaii. It was a breezy 75-80 degrees the majority of our trip. I think the heat and humidity in AL is why I am enjoying running less and less.
Here are just a few pictures. Pictures don't do it justice, but you get the idea.
My first time on the beaches of Hawaii!

Haunama Bay. The best snorkeling location EVER!

View from the boat where I swam with dolphins!

On top of a mountain overlooking Oahu

My gym for the day

Haunama Bay

Polynesian Culture Center was another favorite... I'm sure you can see why! 

Trail ride through the hills overlooking the beach

We went to the Paradise Cove Luau. The food, scenery, and show were amazing! 

Coming home was very difficult. I missed Blakely and Marley terribly, but I could have used another week or two in paradise. My intentions were to dive right back into my crazy exercise routine the day after I returned back to the states, but the jet lag I was experiencing was too intense. The five hour time change reeked havoc on my sleeping and eating schedule, so I decided to take Tuesday to recover. I'm not sure if I'm fully back on track even now... I was able to drop 4 of the 5 pounds I gained on my vacay during the first week back. I made sure to drink tons of water and stock up on my fruits and veggies while watching my portions carefully. My body needed a rude awakening, and I think I've finally beat it into submission.
I know, I've heard the news, I'm insane for working out as much as I do. My mom's family is convinced that I have an eating disorder, and I've heard the "you're addicted to exercise" spill more times than I care to count. Let me be clear: I do it because I enjoy it. It makes me feel good and it makes me feel accomplished. There's no disorder or addiction involved. I simply love to work out. Obviously, this won't be my schedule forever. Exercising occupies my time between sleeping, eating, and grad school work. It keeps me from running back and forth to the fridge and rummaging through my pantry trying to find something nibble on every 15 minutes, which I am terrible about. It also prevents me from lounging on the couch and watching Law and Order on Netflix for 5 and 6 hours at a time (yes, I do that too). 

CrossFit has become my new obsession. Maybe I am a little addicted to it, but I can't help myself. It's new and it's like nothing I've ever done. I'm sure I'm not the only person that feels on top of the world every time the WOD is over. The workouts are never long, but I give each of them everything I've got, mostly because I'm paying too much to go at it halfway. Having such a large group of people experiencing the agony you're feeling makes the workouts less terrifying. I leave every workout soaked. My body doesn't sweat during CrossFit, it monsoons, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If you are looking for a total body workout, this is it! Before I left for Hawaii, I purchased a heart rate monitor to keep track of my heart and calories. Every morning I leave having burned 400+ calories, and that's in 45 minutes. It's effective, y'all! Clumsy me... I always manage to injure myself with the equipment. Out trainer explains everything so clearly. I'm not sure how I manage to bang myself up so often. The day we left for Hawaii, I bruised my shoulders doing hang power cleans. Today, I push pressed 45 pounds directly into my chin. I dropped that bar because I was seeing stars. My teeth knocked together so loudly that my entire jaw is sore. I might have a bruise goatee, but I killed it today. 

It's much more blue now, but this was taken right afterwards. 

It might be intense and slightly dangerous, but it's worth it! I'm not dead yet, so I have to be getting stronger. 

Here is what's happening in my kitchen this week!

I found this on Pinterest! Hopefully it will help tame this sweet tooth without leaving me feeling like a fatty Patty! 

I found this chart, which is awesome! I am terrible about doing the same ab routine over and over again. 

This website is the JAM! You have create custom workout routines with picture references to use at the gym. I cannot tell you how many times I write something down and forget how to do it by the time I get to the gym. 

Good luck this week! Remember, results ARE possible if you are willing to do the work and make the changes necessary! 

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I am SO proud of you. This is Paige Post from high school/band/the school bus back in the day. Found your blog on your Facebook page, I think. You look absolutely outstanding. I can only hope to follow in your footsteps one day :-) You are such an amazing inspiration!!
